Winter Yin & Pin

Embrace the Winter Season

Sunday, 6th of July at 1pm

Join us for our ever-popular Yin + Acupuncture + Crystal Sound Bowls event with Rani from Qi Nectar and Karen. This magical combination is the perfect retreat for a winter's day, designed to help you restore balance and rejuvenate your spirit.

Embrace the Winter Season

As we enter this season of hibernation, it's time to focus on restoring vitality and basking in stillness. Winter invites us to calm the stormy waters of our minds and bodies. In Chinese meridian theory, we honor the element of water, which is closely related to our Kidneys and Bladder. This retreat will guide you in nurturing these vital organs, promoting overall well-being.

What You’ll Experience

  • Yin Yoga: Gentle, restorative poses to promote relaxation and mindfulness.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Guided Nidra: Experience deep relaxation and meditation to connect with your heart and inner self.
  • Crystal Bowls: Enjoy the healing vibrations that will elevate your experience.



Sunday, 6th of July


1pm - 3pm


Regular Price


12 Month Yogis and Concession

10% Discount

Early Bird (before 31st of May)

Use code EARLY_WINTER for 10% off