Autumn Yin Yoga & Acupressure

Embrace the Season of Change

Sunday, 30th of March at 1pm

We are excited to invite you to our new workshop that beautifully combines the calming practices of Yin Yoga, Acupressure, Nidra, and the soothing sounds of Crystal Bowls.

Embrace the Season of Change

Autumn marks the end of a cycle, a time to slow down and turn inward. It’s a season for gratitude, reflection, and making space for new beginnings. This workshop is designed to help you strengthen your immune system in preparation for winter while tapping into your inner wisdom.

What You’ll Experience

  • Yin Yoga: Gentle, restorative poses to promote relaxation and mindfulness.
  • Acupressure Techniques: Learn specific points to enhance your immune system and promote overall wellness.
  • Facial Acupressure: Discover techniques to help you look radiant and rejuvenated.
  • Rose Quartz Roller: Use this beautiful tool to activate pressure points and enhance your self-care routine.
  • Guided Nidra: Experience deep relaxation and meditation to connect with your heart and inner self.
  • Crystal Bowls: Enjoy the healing vibrations that will elevate your experience.



Sunday, 30th of March


1pm - 3pm


Regular Price

(Includes a rose quartz roller to take home afterwards)

12 Month Yogis and Concession

10% Discount